Enter the height of your image here. This item is not available - sorry! To not include the SIZE attribute in your Image element, click here. To make a link to a file, click here. Clicking here turns balloon help on and off. Select the addressing mode from the popup menu to use when selecting a file. To include the SIZE attribute in your Image element, click here. To mark the image as being a map, click here. Note that you also need to put an anchor around this markup whose HREF points to something that can process maps. Enter the width of your image here. Enter a description of your image here for systems that are unable to display graphics. Enter the URL of your image here. To select an image from the last 10 that you have used, click here. Tip: Hold the Control key down to list image files in the last directory used. Click here to select an alignment option. To exit without making any changes, click here. To accept the options, click here.